So its that big day!!! I turn 33(the perfect age) today!! I'm not so excited about admitting my age(or getting old) but what I AM excited about is the Red Carpet Rollout of my new blog site!! It's been a long time coming and to be honest I'm somewhat scared, but as my Pastor has taught me, "you gotta do it, even if you do it scared."
But I've been blessed with many different talents, so it's time for me to share my gifts with the world. I hope to inspire, influence and encourage folks with what God has given me. I feel like I'm behind, because I should have been doing this at 23 or 25, but I guess better late than never!
So you ask, what is so different/special about this blog, they come a dime a dozen? Well my blog touches on all aspects of events and events planning; Planning, Catering, Photography, Budgets and even some other things that are related such as crafts, fashion, entertainment and travel. I take the everyday things and give you an event planner's spin on them..... Make you look at the world in a whole new light! We'll discover recipes, attractions and hot spots, fashion trends and lots more. So get ride for a fantastic voyage.
Some would say I'm a "Jack of all Trades", I say no... I'm the
Ace of All Trades.....because I'm the Events Guru!!